Don’t tell dad, but someone has been messing with the thermostat! We hope you are staying cool in this outrageous heat as our country shows off its shorter lived, but equally extreme summer. A LOT happened over the month of June and as we enter July there is still so much more in store!
CCS Merch
Speaking of in store, have you checked out our CCS Store? Our Classic Hoodie is back! Members have access to our ever growing merchandise selection. Hats, shirts, stickers and more! Be sure to don yourself in that sweet CCS swag, or drip or whatever the kids say nowadays!
SSF Summer Results
With that summer heat came some challenging conditions for anglers to face across this country. However, some impressive fish were still managed and we have the results of our SSF Solo and Teams event! A big congratulations to Carpin’ With the Martins, the ABC’S Of Carping and Team Corn Walrus for their respective top three performances in the Teams category. For our Solo winners, big ups to Anthony Russell, Dawson Cadeau, and Sean Martin. Our Fall SSF will be the last of our events of the year and you have plenty of time to prepare! Be sure to keep your eyes on our Official Announcements page for more details!
Challenge Series Season 3 – Round 1
The first round of season three of our Challenge Series is complete! Advancing to the second round we see some interesting match ups. Dawson Cadeau vs Jeff Christian; Louis-Michel Gravel vs Adam Battersby; Nathan Savoie vs Alex Derby; Kevin Girolametto vs Sean Martin; Jarrett Harris vs John O’Connor; Louis Philip Lortie vs Andrew Walker; and Galen Yerex vs Anthony Russell. Justin Lamere was lucky enough to draw a bye into round three! There are some seriously competitive anglers going head to head in this second round and it could come down to mere ounces! Break out the pom poms to root on your pick! Did we mention that the winner of the Challenge Series will go head to head against a member of the DT Baits UK Team?
Angler Of The Year
Members, have you or someone you follow been actively engaged on our platform? Do they write and engage with posts, write ups, content creation and such to highlight how their season is going? Take note of this and perhaps you or someone you know might be eligible for an Angler of the Year award.
At year’s end, members will have the opportunity to vote on a series of categories to decide all members most fitting of the presented titles. Once the votes are calculated, we will host a live broadcast to celebrate the accomplishments of our members and provide recognition to those YOU feel were most deserving through their actions and activities.
If you or someone you know is new to the sport, a specimen hunter, a carpy mentor or an absolutely obsessive Carp angler there is a category for you! With a few fun ones tossed in for good measure.
More details are available on the Angler Of The Year page.
Angler Care
With this intense heat and brilliant sunshine we at the CCS would like to remind our members or anyone for that matter that receives these newsletters about the importance of angler care in these conditions. It may sound silly that reminders need to be given regarding this topic, but of course we are all forgetful at times and this can have serious consequences! Be sure to pack water for sessions big and small! Staying hydrated is absolutely key to surviving this intense heat, so be sure to pack more than you need… it might even save a life. Seek shade and or bring a shelter to find refuge from the sun. During this time of year having a brolly or vented day shelter can be a virtue to escape the sun’s intense influence, however if one finds themselves near some fichus and without their shelter, they could just as easily seek nature’s umbrellas in the form of a shade tree. Bring sunscreen, even if you look fresh out of the tanning beds. Just because you look like stained wood and have skin as stiff as leather, doesn’t mean you aren’t being harmed by the sun’s UV radiation. Wearing sunscreen will help to protect your exposed skin from the harmful effects of extended sun exposure. Wearing a hat and polarized sunglasses will not only help you spot fish and look the part, they will also help to keep you cool and protect your eyes from intense sunlight. Finally, wearing lighter and breathable clothing will help to keep you comfortable both when sitting and waiting for that bite as well as fighting your quarry. Always take the time to ensure that you are also doing tick checks and bringing insect repellents to protect you from Canada’s wondrous flying, biting, blood suckers.
CCS Live #4
After a brief hiatus CCS Live is back! Join Sean Martin on July 29th @7:00 pm EST as he discusses the SSF, Challenge Series, Leave No Trace and more. The guests have not yet been announced, but keep an eye out on the official announcements page. Speaking of, there will also be a special announcement during this Live about something coming later this year! Stay tuned!

Korda Comp
For this competition all you need to do is film a two to three minute video… that’s it! This 2-3 minute clip needs to be about your tackle box, a great rig tutorial, or simply a tip or trick! Get creative and have a chance to win this great bit of kit. For more details, check out Competitions under our Members Area tab.
And Finally…
Schools out, time to get those kids off of the xboxes and out on the bank sitting on tackle boxes! We hope you have a wonderful July, and here’s hoping a few absolute chunks will grace your nets!