2025… Wow. How many of us imagined that was what our world and our lives would look like? How much did the movies and TV shows of yesteryear get right? Where are the hover cars?
As we enter our fifth year as an organization, the CCS welcomes you to a year full of new possibilities, new challenges to overcome, and ultimately more carpy content and ways to engage in this incredible community. There is much to discuss as we look towards the months ahead… so sit back, pour yourself something warm and inviting, DON’T FORGET TO RENEW YOUR LICENCE and let’s dive in.
Your votes have been cast, the ballots have been counted and the recipients for our Angler of the Year awards have been decided. The time has now come for us to come together and celebrate another incredible year of angling! Join us on January 19th to find out who in our community have been recognized for their outstanding dedication to the sport, who have overcome great adversity to rise to the top, and those who have mentored and helped grow this community in positive ways. Join John Bulmer and Anthony Russell at 7:00 pm EST on the site. We will see you there!
We won’t be divulging much at this time, but what we will say is that we have been listening to our community, and brainstorming at HQ. You can expect to see some changes in the events that we will be running over the course of the year. Particularly, you will see changes with regards to the organization of the SSF and Challenge series so stay tuned for more information regarding specific changes once decisions are finalized. If you have any specific details, or thoughts that you want tabled with regards to these events, please feel free to reach out to admin at any time, your voice and opinion is valuable to us.
A little birdy has informed us that some fresh content is coming down the pipe, including a joint article written by a few of our members on a very eco conscious topic… we won’t spoil it for you, but it certainly will not be one to miss! CCS Podcast #31 is live featuring our very own Sean Martin and Anthony Russell, some interesting topics brought up in this Podcast including something pretty big that Mr. Russell has planned to better study his quarry of aquatic prairie pachyderms. Finally, John Bulmer has been compiling clips for CCSTV Ep.7 and has indicated that he is a few clips short of a full production. We are calling on the likes of you to help us fill those gaps. This is a great time of year to sit down and show us how to tie your favourite rig, a great tip or trick, or even a review of your favourite bit of kit.
We can scarcely think of a better way to kick off the new year than with a chance to win some free stuff! Members, this is your Chance to win a $150 bait and tackle bundle. All you need to do is place an order with Carp Kit in the month of January and enter in the comments “CCS Jan Exclusive”. Multiple entries are allowed and there is no minimum order! You will be entered into a draw for the beginning of February and the lucky winner will be announced on the CCS platform! Time to check that inventory and see what needs restocking and refreshing! Perhaps a new set of rods or reels to keep a secret from your significant other, because what else would you spend that gift money on! Best of luck to all of those that choose to enter!
Mental Health Check-in from our Ambassador Kev Girolametto
As we step into 2025, it’s a reminder that every new year is a fresh start. It’s a chance to focus on growth, well-being, and the things that truly matter. With 1 in 5 Canadians affected by mental health challenges, it’s time to break the stigma, and we can do that by talking about it. In the Mental Health group on the CCS platform, we’re here to create a safe space where members can share their stories, support one another, and connect over our passion for carp fishing. Let’s make this year about being kinder to ourselves, taking time to recharge, and using our passion for angling as a way to find balance. Join our Mental Health group, share your thoughts, engage with others or simply listen and reflect because we’re all in this together.
URC 2024
Renaud Dostie Leads the Pack
Our Unofficial Record Captures for 2024 saw its final update with Renaud Dostie blowing us away with a colossal specimen that now leads our Top Ten Biggest Canadian Carp of all time. It’s worth having a glance at to see the potential that our Canadian waters have. So many people believe that Canada is some “runs water” that sees nothing but teeny bopper commons. This view is being quickly challenged by the fact that to appear in our top ten now, you are essentially looking at posting a 40+ lb fish. Absolutely unhinged. Hopefully it inspires you to get out and explore the unknown.
Speaking of exploring the unknown and getting awarded… We have gloated about our National Geographic level videographer Paul Cioca before, but recently Paul posted a video on his YouTube channel that has left us all in awe. After challenging himself to explore new water from a houseboat, Paul was rewarded with a Ruby Red Letter Session with four forty pound fish and two massive, stunning mirrors. Topping this off with a top shelf timelapse of the Northern Lights, makes this his best work yet and will be a challenging one to beat both in terms of videography as well as quality of captures. If you haven’t checked it out already, we encourage you to do so over on his YouTube Channel TeamCarpFishing. Congratulations.
Looking to hone your skills for the upcoming season? Perhaps a bit of one on one guidance with a seasoned angler to help buff out some of those rough edges, and help you achieve your angling goals? Then be sure to check out Peterborough Carping Guides’ Tutorial Package. Head to the BENEFITS section in our Members Area for more details.
Perhaps you are already confident in your angling, but are looking for some new kit to try this year? Why not try Peterborough Carping Guides’ exclusive MORTAR weight systems? MORTARS can be easily incorporated into your angling no matter if you are an entry level carper or a seasoned veteran; a lover of a cheeky single or a method ball enthusiast. CCS members get access to exclusive packages at discounted rates! Check out the Buy and Sell group and touch base with William Muschett/Peterborough Carping Guides.
Well, here we are entering the second quarter of this 21st century. Was your new year’s resolution to bravely go where no carper has gone before? Or was it just to get out more? Let us know your plans for 2025 on the site! We hope that your holidays were filled with lasting memories and that wherever you are in this vast world that you are warm and surrounded by the warmth of friends and family.