2025… Wow. How many of us imagined that was what our world and our lives would look like? How much did the movies and TV shows of yesteryear get right? Where are the hover cars?

As we enter our fifth year as an organization, the CCS welcomes you to a year full of new possibilities, new challenges to overcome, and ultimately more carpy content and ways to engage in this incredible community. There is much to discuss as we look towards the months ahead… so sit back, pour yourself something warm and inviting, DON’T FORGET TO RENEW YOUR LICENCE and let’s dive in.


Your votes have been cast, the ballots have been counted and the recipients for our Angler of the Year awards have been decided. The time has now come for us to come together and celebrate another incredible year of angling! Join us on January 19th to find out who in our community have been recognized for their outstanding dedication to the sport, who have overcome great adversity to rise to the top, and those who have mentored and helped grow this community in positive ways. Join John Bulmer and Anthony Russell at 7:00 pm EST on the site. We will see you there!


We won’t be divulging much at this time, but what we will say is that we have been listening to our community, and brainstorming at HQ. You can expect to see some changes in the events that we will be running over the course of the year. Particularly, you will see changes with regards to the organization of the SSF and Challenge series so stay tuned for more information regarding specific changes once decisions are finalized. If you have any specific details, or thoughts that you want tabled with regards to these events, please feel free to reach out to admin at any time, your voice and opinion is valuable to us.


A little birdy has informed us that some fresh content is coming down the pipe, including a joint article written by a few of our members on a very eco conscious topic… we won’t spoil it for you, but it certainly will not be one to miss! CCS Podcast #31 is live featuring our very own Sean Martin and Anthony Russell, some interesting topics brought up in this Podcast including something pretty big that Mr. Russell has planned to better study his quarry of aquatic prairie pachyderms. Finally, John Bulmer has been compiling clips for CCSTV Ep.7 and has indicated that he is a few clips short of a full production. We are calling on the likes of you to help us fill those gaps. This is a great time of year to sit down and show us how to tie your favourite rig, a great tip or trick, or even a review of your favourite bit of kit. 


We can scarcely think of a better way to kick off the new year than with a chance to win some free stuff! Members, this is your Chance to win a $150 bait and tackle bundle. All you need to do is place an order with Carp Kit in the month of January and enter in the comments “CCS Jan Exclusive”. Multiple entries are allowed and there is no minimum order! You will be entered into a draw for the beginning of February and the lucky winner will be announced on the CCS platform! Time to check that inventory and see what needs restocking and refreshing! Perhaps a new set of rods or reels to keep a secret from your significant other, because what else would you spend that gift money on! Best of luck to all of those that choose to enter!


Mental Health Check-in from our Ambassador Kev Girolametto

As we step into 2025, it’s a reminder that every new year is a fresh start. It’s a chance to focus on growth, well-being, and the things that truly matter. With 1 in 5 Canadians affected by mental health challenges, it’s time to break the stigma, and we can do that by talking about it. In the Mental Health group on the CCS platform, we’re here to create a safe space where members can share their stories, support one another, and connect over our passion for carp fishing. Let’s make this year about being kinder to ourselves, taking time to recharge, and using our passion for angling as a way to find balance. Join our Mental Health group, share your thoughts, engage with others or simply listen and reflect because we’re all in this together.

URC 2024

Renaud Dostie Leads the Pack

Our Unofficial Record Captures for 2024 saw its final update with Renaud Dostie blowing us away with a colossal specimen that now leads our Top Ten Biggest Canadian Carp of all time. It’s worth having a glance at to see the potential that our Canadian waters have. So many people believe that Canada is some “runs water” that sees nothing but teeny bopper commons. This view is being quickly challenged by the fact that to appear in our top ten now, you are essentially looking at posting a 40+ lb fish. Absolutely unhinged. Hopefully it inspires you to get out and explore the unknown.


Speaking of exploring the unknown and getting awarded… We have gloated about our National Geographic level videographer Paul Cioca before, but recently Paul posted a video on his YouTube channel that has left us all in awe. After challenging himself to explore new water from a houseboat, Paul was rewarded with a Ruby Red Letter Session with four forty pound fish and two massive, stunning mirrors. Topping this off with a top shelf timelapse of the Northern Lights, makes this his best work yet and will be a challenging one to beat both in terms of videography as well as quality of captures. If you haven’t checked it out already, we encourage you to do so over on his YouTube Channel TeamCarpFishing. Congratulations. 


Looking to hone your skills for the upcoming season? Perhaps a bit of one on one guidance with a seasoned angler to help buff out some of those rough edges, and help you achieve your angling goals? Then be sure to check out Peterborough Carping Guides’ Tutorial Package. Head to the BENEFITS section in our Members Area for more details.

Perhaps you are already confident in your angling, but are looking for some new kit to try this year? Why not try Peterborough Carping Guides’ exclusive MORTAR weight systems? MORTARS can be easily incorporated into your angling no matter if you are an entry level carper or a seasoned veteran; a lover of a cheeky single or a method ball enthusiast. CCS members get access to exclusive packages at discounted rates! Check out the Buy and Sell group and touch base with William Muschett/Peterborough Carping Guides.


Well, here we are entering the second quarter of this 21st century. Was your new year’s resolution to bravely go where no carper has gone before? Or was it just to get out more? Let us know your plans for 2025 on the site! We hope that your holidays were filled with lasting memories and that wherever you are in this vast world that you are warm and surrounded by the warmth of friends and family.


He’s making that list and checking it twice, and no we aren’t talking about the boss man looking over the stock list for the CCS Store, we are talking about Santa Carp! Have you not heard of our elusive friend?

“He’s eating when you’re working, he’s gone when you’re around.
He giggles while he watches you, waiting for the alarm to sound!”
Something like that anyhow…  elusive things, snow carp.

Welcome to December fellow members! As we enter the darkest month of the calendar year, let’s remind ourselves of the warmth and comfort that friendship, family and feasts can bring. With most hanging up the gear for the year by the time our last newsletter went out, many of our members are now eagerly awaiting their packages from Simon, err we mean Santa, to help replenish their kits and stock! Be sure to leave out a can of corn for Ol’ Rubber Lips and let’s dive into what you can expect in this last month of the year!


Ever wonder what the biggest carp caught in Canada is? So have we, hence why we have put together this list of Common and Mirror Carp caught in Canada by Canadian Carp Society Members.

We have a new #1 in the Top 10, and the biggest recorded fish for 2024. Renaud Dostie, one of our members from Quebec, with a 47+ Mirror! Check out the URC pages for more details.


A separate email for all of those subscribed to this newsletter has been recently sent out with further details about the AOTY voting and banquet, but for a quick summary:

– The first round of voting starts December 1st and runs until Dec 13th, so be sure to have a good look at that newsfeed and see which anglers have consistently netted bigguns, have gone to lengths above and beyond to catch, have helped others to achieve their goals and beyond.
– The banquet and awards ceremony will be taking place in the New Year so’s to not interrupt any holiday gatherings!

Be sure to check that email with all necessary details set to come out in the coming weeks.


The Christmas season can be magical, but let’s be honest, it can also feel like a lot. Between the hustle of shopping, the hassle of planning, and the financial strain, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. The pressure to make everything “perfect” can take the joy right out of the holidays. But here’s the thing: Christmas isn’t about the money we spend or how Instagram-worthy our celebrations look. It’s about the time we share, the love we give, and the memories we make with the people who matter most. So this year, take a breath. Say no when you need to. Focus on moments, not things. A genuine conversation, a good laugh, or a quiet night with family can mean more than the expensive gifts under the tree. And if you’re feeling the pressure, challenge yourself to catch a snow carp. Stepping outside and connecting with nature is a great way to unplug, recharge, and find a little peace amidst the holiday chaos. The best gift you can give, both to yourself and your loved ones, is your presence, not your perfection. 


We are sure that this isn’t news to anyone, but once the fishing season grinds to a halt, many of us likely dive into a deep dark place (likely the basement or garage) and sit amongst our gear fumbling and organizing our kit anxiously awaiting the start of the next season. Sound familiar? Here is a little something that might help you stay sane: try experimenting with a new rig concept and/or deep dive into a new approach. Perhaps this is learning to splice a leader material or make up chod rigs so’s to be able to fish in more challenging conditions next season. Another idea might be brainstorming how to overcome a particular obstacle that is inhibiting you from being able to fish a spot to its full potential. Chat with the community about some challenges you are facing at a particular swim and see what suggestions might pop-up. If you have questions, ask them. If you have suggestions, offer them. If you have ideas, share them. Let’s connect!


Embroidered CCS logo. Its thick, ribbed knit will keep your noggin warm in chilly weather, while the style suits nearly any bankside outfit!


John Bulmer’s latest article “Grow Your Skill Set” is both an informative as well as motivational piece that focuses on his transition from a multispecies angler, to a more carp-focused angler. This article highlights those transferable skills from one species and tactic to the next and why exploring every aspect is so crucial to being a well-rounded angler in general. Additionally, our 2024 CCS Social recap video is live! Whether you couldn’t make it out this year, but wanted to see what you missed out on, or were present and are looking to relive some memorable moments, this video will tickle all of the right brain parts. Our members will find shortcuts to both John’s article, and our recap video at the top of the newsfeed.


Looking for a unique present for that carpy friend of yours, or perhaps from Santa, to you? Bank Bound offers custom digital images to help immortalize your captures in style! Some of the biggest names in carp angling, as well as some of our very own members have used their services and were not disappointed! Bank Bound has been so kind as to provide our CCS Members with an exclusive 20% discount off of digital copies of their work! Be sure to check out @Bankboundcarppics on Instagram to see some of their impressive work. Make sure you check out this benefit and more. 


Galen Yerex of ONTCarpn has a massive collection of underwater footage, as you likely already know! However, you wouldn’t believe how much of this footage never makes it to his channel. Amongst some of that unseen footage, Galen has been looking further into what did and didn’t work on a given session/in a specific location and he encourages all CCS members to do the same. Obviously, we don’t all have access to underwater videography equipment, however there are some things that can be noted each session about what was and what wasn’t working even without such luxuries. This is effective for all kinds of applications including baiting patterns, rig placement, rig selection, bait selection etc. in swims both new as well as old and pressured. A prime example of what Galen is talking about here, was during a session with Will that was filmed for Will’s YouTube channel. In the video they noted that the use of method mix was actually inhibiting their catch rate as the fish didn’t seem overly interested in the method whatsoever. The moment the pack bait was removed from the swim, the fishes’ behaviour seemed to become less hesitant. Obviously, packbait is a tried and tested method in North American carp angling and seems to be effective a majority of the time. However, in this particular case, during that particular session, in that particular stretch where the fish have seen pressure historically, it was clear that it wasn’t the most effective means to catch them. Their feeding behaviour was very picky and selective rather than smashing through the free offerings the overwhelming majority of the time. This was likely also due to the unsettled weather pattern they were fishing in coupled with that historical pressure. Going forward, Will and Galen were both cited in saying that they likely would start deviating from pack bait when fishing that particular stretch in future. Perhaps such an anecdote has inspired you to think about a few swims/sessions that went swimmingly or alternatively, didn’t. Consider what was working, and what wasn’t and carry that with you. You don’t fail, you learn and the more you are challenged the more challenging it will be for you to be challenged in the future.


Well, as hard as it might be to believe, the next time you will be receiving and reading a newsletter from us it will be 2025… crazy how time flies. As we reflect on these past twelve months, and the hardships and triumphs faced, we hope that you equally look forward to what is to come and eagerly anticipate the promise of new adventures a new year will bring. Whatever and however you celebrate, may your holidays be full of fond memories shared with good friends and family and may Santa Carp be good to you all! 

From all of us here at the Canadian Carp Society, Merry Carpmas to all, and to all a good fight!.


As we pick away at the leftover candy, or for many of us, our share of the mandatory parental tax, it may dawn on a number of us that this was most certainly one of the warmest Hallowe’en nights in some time. Though windy and a bit rainy, many parts of Ontario saw near record breaking temperatures on Halloween night with the mercury hitting the low twenties for much of Southern Ontario. Which really begs the question… When is this predicted La Niña going to make its appearance? Meteorologists have said brace ourselves for a cold, snowy winter this year with the La Niña pattern emerging. With twenty degree days predicted for some parts of Ontario this month though, it does have you wondering if perhaps there is time yet for one more session. Welcome to November, members; a time for remembering, reflecting and looking forward.


This year marks the 110th anniversary of the start of WWI. The Great War spanned four years from 1914 to 1918, and came at the cost of some 20 million lives, both civilian and military personnel. This year also marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day which began on June 6th, 1944. It would prove to be the largest amphibious invasion in human history. Operation Overlord began at the beaches of Normandy as a means to dispel the power of occupying forces in Fortress Europe. It spearheaded a series of successful offenses by the Allies that would ultimately end with the Nazi’s surrender a year later, ending the war in the European theatre. The CCS recognizes the contributions and sacrifices of those that have served, died for, and continue to serve this beautiful nation we call home. Lest we forget.


As we enter those darker days, it’s important that we are here for one another. Our Mental Health Ambassador, Kevin Girolametto has some words to pass along:

As November arrives, men everywhere start growing mustaches, not for style, but for Movember, a global movement highlighting men’s health issues. Movember emphasizes four key areas: mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. Even the carp fishing community can join the cause and help make a difference.

Mental health challenges affect millions of men, but stigma keeps many from speaking up. Movember encourages open conversations, reminding men it’s okay to seek help. For carp anglers, quiet moments on the bank offer peace, yet being part of a supportive community matters too. Just as fishing requires patience, so does taking care of mental health.

Suicide rates are higher among men, often due to unaddressed mental health struggles. Movember funds programs to support men in crisis. The carp fishing community thrives on camaraderie, which can offer a lifeline to men in need. We need to extend our support to those who feel alone.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, and early detection is critical. Movember promotes screenings and education. In carp fishing, just as we prepare for a day by the water, men must prioritize health check-ups. A small step toward awareness can have life-saving results.

Testicular cancer affects younger men, so Movember encourages education from an early age. Like passing down fishing tips, carp anglers can share knowledge about self-checks and health. This simple awareness could change lives.

The mustache is Movember’s emblem, a conversation starter and a visible commitment to men’s health. In the fishing community, imagine anglers sporting mustaches as a show of solidarity, raising awareness as they share stories by the water or on a social media platform. Each mustache represents a united front for a crucial cause.

Supporting Movember means creating lasting impact. Whether hosting a charity fishing event, sharing the message, or growing a mustache to start conversations, every bit helps. This November, the carp fishing community has the chance to promote real change and support men’s health, one mustache at a time.


Galen Yerex’s Rig Consistency article isn’t one to glance over. The man is a whizz with underwater videography and truly never leaves the house without it. His in depth analysis of fish behaviour and rig hooking consistency makes this article well worth a read. Additionally, Nathan Cutler’s latest video on his take on the spinner rig is very comprehensive and following alongside him as he ties this well touted rig, may put the odds in your favour! A new article is on the horizon and dropping soon called “Grow Your Skill Set,” but after this it seems as though the ole article cows are getting a bit tired. Have a great idea for an article, or even an idea for a quick video? Perhaps that little secret edge that you are finally willing to divulge that could make a world of difference? We want our members to know that we value them and want to see more of them provide their insights and bestow their knowledge to the community in a variety of ways! This is a call to those of you who have something noteworthy that shouldn’t be lost to the newsfeed. How about a great hearty bankside recipe for those longer, colder sessions? Extra brownie points if you send sample care packages too! Consider videotaping something in session for our CCSTV, even if it is just merely some “b roll” with the beautiful sounds of nature… get on that ASMR business! 


The Unofficial Record Captures and Mirror pages have both seen some work in the back end and we aren’t tooting our horn (we are tooting Mr. Smith’s specifically) when we say it’s looking prim and proper! Have a gander at some of the incredible fish that have graced our members since our inauguration. Don’t forget, if you have had or end up having a common over thirty pounds this season be sure to submit it to our URC page located under our members only tab. Additionally, any and all respectable size mirrors are welcomed!


As they generally do in Autumn, the big fish came out to play for our members and one look at the leaderboards for our final SSF of the season will show just that! Fourteen carp over 30 pounds were weighed over the course of those ten days, many of which came to members from the prairies! A huge congrats to all of those that participated and for making the leaderboard an exciting one to watch!
Viktor Zherebiatiev, Justin Petracek and Tamara Tyshchuk battled it out over those ten days and dominated the leaderboard with impressive weights over 90lb each. A big congrats to our first place winner Viktor who finished with a total weight of 98lb. Justin and Tamara finished in a tie which, to be settled, comes down to the biggest fish between the two of them. Justin claims second place just one ounce over Tamara for what is our closest separation to date. 

In our teams event, we witnessed the Donkey Smacking River Titans hold a solid lead through the week before settling in third place as teams Terra Carp and Dave Thorpe Canada pulled out the chunks for first and second place respectively and separated by only one pound! Congratulations to the winning teams. It just goes to show that mere ounces could separate you from glory. We hope that you will all join us again for next year’s events!


We have been seeing those year end posts with reviews of one’s season and we are feeling inspired and impressed by some of the numbers we are seeing. In a matter of weeks, the first round of our AOTY voting will begin. If you aren’t yet familiar, there are a total of five categories; The Most Hardcore, The Most Improved, The Beastmaster, The Mentor and of course he/she that exhibits all of the traits aforementioned, our Angler of the Year. Do you know someone who has just entered into the world of carp fishing, but has shown substantial growth in their catch rates, fish playing, etc.? Perhaps that is a name that ought to be brought to the table when it comes time to discuss candidates for our Most Improved category. To our newer members (and novice carpers) post some pictures to the Newsfeed, tell us about how your season went and some hurdles you overcame. We will soon have more dates for you with regards to when the polls open, and when the virtual banquet will be held, so keep an eye on the Newsfeed and AOTY page. 


You know that nasty weather is coming, but did you know that being a CCS member can help you with staying safe this winter? Our members have an exclusive VIP package with Kal Tire for discounted products and services:
1. Enhanced discounts on new Passenger & Light Truck tires• The most popular brands are available to you at lower than normal pricing. These brands include; Nokian, Bridgestone, Firestone, Michelin, BF Goodrich, Sumitomo, Nitto, Uniroyal, Yokohama & others.
2. 5% discount on tire services (excludes new tire installation)
3. 10% discount on mechanical services, mechanical parts, wheels & wheel parts.
4. VIP account is valid at all Kal Tire locations throughout Canada.
5. Nationwide Warranty at all Kal Tire locations through our Customer Care Plan which includes:
• FREE flat repairs for the life of the tire
• Road hazard protection on all personal use passenger & light truck tires purchased, with FREE replacement if the tire is damaged beyond repair within 30 days, and pro-rated replacement if unserviceable for the life of the tread
• Tread life GUARANTEE on selected tires
• LIFETIME balancing on original assembly
• FREE tire rotation (rotating tire position)• FREE basic vehicle inspection
• 30 DAY no-hassle guarantee

If you haven’t already taken a look at those ol’ winter tires, perhaps now would be a good time to check your tread depth to see if it is time to replace them. Be sure to check out the Benefits section on the CCS site under our MEMBERS AREA tab for more details about what discounts are available to you.


Our next newsletter will be coming to you during what is, for many, the most stressful time of year: The winter holiday season. If you have someone on your gift list that you think would absolutely love what the CCS has to offer, consider gifting a membership and inviting them into this vast world of knowledge… The more, the merrier we say! As always, we hope that this newsletter finds you well, and that this season has been a good one for you. To those of you that continue to brave the yo-yo like weather in the pursuit of gold, we salute you (we are looking at you Mr. Weldon!).


Is it just us, or did September absolutely fly by? It’s crazy to think that in just over a week many of our members will be coming together with friends and family to celebrate Thanksgiving. In only a few weeks, many of our members will begin to see those first dreaded snowflakes… but let’s stop speaking of such misery and instead talk about what exciting things are to come this month and beyond!


For many, this SSF will be their final campaign of the 2024 season. It all kicks off starting October 5th and runs until the 14th. Over those ten days, anything could happen. A change in conditions, which is bound to happen this time of year, could completely shut off one swim and ignite another, propelling one angler or team to victory even in the 11th hour. It’s shaping up to be an exciting one, and we are stoked to see more teams and solo anglers signing up at the last minute for this event. Best of luck to all of the competitors.


From our Mental Health Ambassador, Kevin Girolametto:

October is a crucial time to focus on mental health, with two major events helping to raise awareness and promote well-being.

Mental Illness Awareness Week runs from October 6-12, 2024, organized by the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH). This initiative highlights the importance of understanding mental illness and ensuring access to the right services for those in need. During this week, communities across Canada will host events, providing education and support to break down stigma.

On October 10, we mark World Mental Health Day, with the 2024 theme likely focusing on either mental health in the workplace or youth mental health. Events like mental health walks, virtual talks, and social media campaigns will help open up conversations and offer tools to manage mental health challenges.

Remember, activities like fishing can be a great way to improve mental health. Spending time in nature, disconnecting from daily stress, and practicing mindfulness while fishing can have a calming and therapeutic effect. If you know someone struggling, consider bringing them fishing. Sometimes, that simple act can make all the difference.

You heard the man, get out there and take someone with you!


Have you seen what is going down out West? No, we aren’t talking about the impending misery that winter will bring in a few short weeks. Rather, we are speaking of the incredible work being done by our West Manager, Anthony Russell in association with G&S Marina Outfitters. Anthony has been busily running his new guiding outfit and has had some very respected anglers and TV personalities out as of recently. Guests such as Al Linder and Wes David have made recent appearances and have brought along media and videography teams in order to showcase the amazing experiences they had when out fishing on Last Mountain Lake in Saskatchewan. With prestigious names such as these helping to promote carp as a sport fish and shining a more positive light on them as a species, this could help to change attitudes and even help change legislation to allow for more opportunities for our prairie carp angling communities, such as multi-line licensing. Big ups to Anthony and the G&S Marina Outfitters team for making all of this possible and being the amazing ambassadors that they are. Good show, chaps! 


As a member did you know you had access to exclusive CCS products? Our main man Wayne Smith has been busy at HQ designing and sourcing new swag and CCS paraphernalia for you to don with pride. New clothing, stickers and mugs are now available in the store awaiting purchase! Happy shopping.


The CCS Social 2024 was a great success. As in previous years our members met up for a few days on the shores of the mighty St. Lawrence River. This year’s location was Hoople Island, a lovely venue that offered varied challenges and opportunities to get the lines out. While some chose to walk out and place their rigs, others took to the boats and some cast to the horizon. With lines set our members joined together and shared stories, ideas and good food. Action started very quickly this year for our newer members Fred and Jonathan only three hours after peg draw and immediately everyone shared a sense of excitement that carried right through to the end. All attending members received grab bags of carpy items including a fantastic new CCS mug, Monster carp hooks, stickers and more. Even more great prizes were handed out during the prize draw on Monday. Amazing tackle and bait packs, giftcards, and even a guided trip for two in Quebec! Everyone gained something new before settling in at our social BBQ. While the burgers flew off the grill, the sausages had a harder time finding mouths to fill despite loud repetitive persuasion. I guess you had to be there to see how funny that was. During the duration of the event we tried something new, a contest. Prizes (yes even more prizes, it’s crazy) were to be given out to anglers that caught First, Biggest, and Most fish. New member and newer to Carping Fred Tyson kicked things off with the first fish of the social. The race for most fish was a battle, at one point even reaching a four way tie. In the end, Jeff Christian was able to secure the most fish title. Tyler Andrews through his efforts in the kayak managed to secure the biggest fish of the event with a respectable 24.8 lb common in the hours of darkness. Congratulations to our contest winners, we hope to run this game again at social 2025!  

A big shout to all attendees for several key points. The level of teamwork and camaraderie were absolutely brilliant ,thank you. Our Leave no trace initiative was well practiced, thank you. The positivity and encouragement towards our fellow members was truly inspiring, thank you.

A big thanks to our Director/founder Wayne Smith for his organization of the event yet again and to all others that aided in setup and keeping things running smoothly. 

With Social 2024 now in the books we look forward to planning for 2025. We welcome ideas and suggestions to help make these events the best they can be, please reach out and let us know what ideas you may want to share. If you have not been to one of our socials, please have a look at the Canadian Carp Society YouTube channel and look back on our social films. We are sure they will help you make the decision to grab up a ticket for the next one.


This time of year can provide some of the most fruitful and memorable sessions you will ever partake in. However, it can also be incredibly trying at times and leave one feeling incredibly frustrated when that wind shifts and the fish seem to vanish. At this time of year, conditions can really make a world of difference as to whether or not a session will yield fish or leave you skunked for hours on end. Keep an eye on the conditions and consider fishing banks that face a warm south/west wind and have shelter from the bitter cold north/east winds. This coupled with being attentive of the solunar calendar can most certainly help you dial in those bite windows. Prefeeding swims for multiple days ahead of time (as per usual) will also help keep the fish visiting/remaining in said swim in search of food for extended periods of time. As natural food is now beginning to dwindle, there is a better chance that they are going to become more interested in your free offerings. Stay confident with rigs that have caught you fish in sessions past and do NOT neglect the margins, as the cooler nights and mornings are most certainly going to make these shallower areas points of interest for hungry fall carp. 

Additionally, be sure to pack those additional layers for the cooler nights and mornings ahead. Although we can still reach some relatively pleasant daytime highs, those evenings can definitely get brisk and with a wind suddenly rolling in, you might find the temperature swings very challenging to endure. Warm sweaters coupled with a good fall/winter waterproof jacket though bulky, can definitely help you stay comfortable when sitting dormant awaiting that bite.


We have touted these products previously, but with many of our members purchasing and offering their feedback, it’s clear that for multispecies anglers in our community, these are not products you should pass up! ReCast Fishing have cast their aspirations far beyond the shores. Their mission is to revolutionize the fishing industry by crafting high-quality fishing lures made exclusively from 100% recycled ocean plastics. ReCast believes in creating a positive impact on the environment while delivering top-notch fishing gear to enthusiasts worldwide. You can’t go wrong with a firetiger or perch pattern jerk bait for cold water pike… just saying! Twitch, pause, twitch, twitch… BANG! Check them out, and while you’re at it, enjoy 10% off for being a CCS member!


For many of us, these next couple of weeks will spell the end of our season. What a year it has been as well. Some incredible fish have come out this year and one look at the URC is all that is needed to confirm that statement! With that being said, there is still time to leave a lasting impression on the community with stories of grandeur, mind boggling captures, and tales of helping introduce others to this incredible sport. Be sure to post those victories, big or small and keep your eyes out on the newsfeed on the site. Soon, we will be casting our votes for the Beastmaster, The Most Improved, The Hardcore Angler, The Mentor and of course our Angler of the Year award. Perhaps a consideration for Hardcore Angler could go to those who travel insane distances in search of glory. Perhaps some of our Albertan members, who unfortunately find themselves in a province devoid of our beloved common carp? Anglers like our friend John O’Connor, who drives several hours to do twelve days on the bank in another province… that’s dedication and worthy of its flowers. Get posting and get talking about who deserves to be recognized for their fantastic feats and achievements.


The farmers almanac is predicting a colder winter this year than we had last year… which sucks, but hey that’s Canada for you! We hope that this newsletter has found you all well, and that with the time you have remaining in this season that you are able to get out there and put together some incredible final campaigns. Go out with a bang friends, what do you have to lose?


And just like that, summer break’s end fast approacheth. Soon the kids will be back in school and the banks will get a little bit quieter. Not that such a prospect is unwelcomed amongst our community! July was a hot one, and thus far August has been a busy month here at CCS HQ. The SSF has come to a close, the Challenge Series has entered its Semi Final round, and eyes are set on the Socials and Fall events to come. Let’s catch you up on all that has happened and what is on the horizon!


The Summer SSF was a bit of a quiet one in terms of participants this year, nonetheless there was indeed some heated competition particularly in the solo event. With the first place position switching hands several times over the competition and some massive shake ups in the top five on several occasions as upgrades and quality fish were being caught throughout the ten day span. Ultimately, there could be only one winner and big ups to Ryan “The Manitoba Machine” Ginter for putting up an impressive all 30+ lb top three for the Gold. In our teams, we saw a very quiet pool with only four teams, of which only two posted captures. Congratulations to Carp Family Team for their first place finish. With our Fall event being the last SSF of the season, we hope that more participants will sign up for their chance at glory. Ultimately, it can only be as exciting as our members make it. Congratulations to our winners of the 2024 Summer SSF!


A huge congratulations to our semi-finalists in this year’s Challenge Series. For this round’s match ups, we will see Sean Martin go head to head against Amenofis Vidam, and Abhi Kunnanath up against Jeff Christian. These competitors have been consistently putting up amazing results and as we have seen in seasons past, it can come down to mere ounces to decide a winner. We are sure that these combatants will be preparing their swims in the coming days to prepare for their upcoming showdowns. Best of luck, all.


It becomes abundantly clear after a weekend that not everyone who shares spaces with us, thinks like us. Namely, not everyone who wets a line cleans up after themselves. Unfortunately, it is the nature of the beast that some people were not listening in school and/or did not have role models in their lives modeling what eco-consciousness and respect for the environment looks like. It is maddening, when one shows up to their swim and finds evidence of these ignorant individuals strewn about the grounds and in the water in the form of cans, bottles, discarded fishing line and the lot. We encourage our members to carry a garbage bag with them in their vehicles so’s to be able to clean up not only after themselves, but also after these incompetent buffoons. Even though we ourselves may not be the cause or ultimately responsible for the state of these locations, we should not be blind to the fact that it isn’t nature’s fault either, and that without our willingness to try and make amends the ecosystems that are immediately present as well those surrounding could become exposed to harmful ailments. If possible, try and see the act of cleaning up as a therapeutic alternative to wishing harm upon the perpetrators. If every one of us would be willing to clean up after one other person other than ourselves, just imagine how clean this world could be! #leavenotrace


Hard as it might be to believe, those cooler nights are fast approaching. Soon enough, we will be donning sweaters and coats in the mornings and evenings to keep the chill from rattling our bones. Want to deck yourself out in some sweet drip… or whatever the kids call it nowadays? Check out Woolove! Made in Canada, Woolove supplies Merino wool base layers for fishing, hiking, skiing. products boast thermoregulating and antimicrobial properties – which just means they help keep you cool when it’s hot out and warm on those cold fall and winter days. CCS members receive an exclusive 20% discount on Woolove products! Members can check out this awesome benefit and more on the Benefits page.


Perhaps you tire of these calls for your content to be featured in our CCSTV. Well, we are hopeful that perhaps you might take us up on a little challenge? Once upon a time, John Bulmer and Will Muschett had a little challenge that they wished to partake in. Covid got in the way of these plans eons ago. So, perhaps, it is time that we turn this over to the CCS Members to see how many anglers could get in on this little competition. Wish to learn more? Reach out either to John or Will for more details… this could be a jolly good bit of fun! Perhaps an annual tradition? Please connect with us for more details..


If you haven’t already heard, there are two locations for this years’ socials! In addition to our annual social along the St. Lawrence River, we are ecstatic to announce that starting this year we have also confirmed a location for a second social for our western members in Saskatchewan! As we continue to grow, The CCS is aiming to create more events such as these to help connect our incredible demographic and bring our motley crew together. What can one expect at these socials? BBQs, a buy and sell table, draws and giveaways, and of course world class carping… What more does one need? One need only ask previous attendants of their experience to get a grasp of the magnitude of laughs and fun you will have. Tickets are on sale now and can be found in the CCS Store. We hope to see you there!


Those who exemplify the very best amongst our community deserve their flowers and recognition as outstanding, and that could very well be you! Be sure to share your stories of triumph, of overcoming adversity, of introducing people to this addiction and so on for your chance to be recognized as one of our finest and deserving anglers of the 2024 season. Recently, Louis Philip Lortie had a memorable session on the Mirror Lake where he went on to have some quality specimens. Perhaps this story is worthy of the Most Hardcore Angler?

“Story time. Yesterday was day three at the infamous Mirror Lake and probably my last go at it for a few years. At 7 pm my left hand rod completely melted off. I grabbed it quickly, jumped in the boat and she took me far away. I got on top of it at a 45 degree angle and nothing was happening, I tried to change my angle but in my head, all I could think was that it was over. I gave some slack and picked up my mainline by hand and started pulling on it and surprisingly I began to gain some line, but I don’t feel a lot of tension. After hand lining some 75 yards of braid I felt like my line was going to snap but suddenly I could see my line get tighter and tighter… the fish was still on! I picked up the reel and started reeling, but in a flash all the slack braid in the boat got stuck around my reel. Without hesitation, I dropped the rod, picked up the mainline by hand. After five minutes of hand lining and fighting in the boat I was getting beat the hell up, but I wasn’t giving up. My fingers were bleeding from the braid when I saw the mono leader and thought to myself, here goes nothing. I wrapped my hand around it and pulled as hard as I could. With my other hand, I grabbed the net and I scooped her. A crazy battle and a stunning fish, it was my second handline fight, but that was the best fight ever. A 28.9 pound beauty.” A tale on par with that of the Old Man and the Sea. Bravo, Louis! Be sure to post your adventures, no matter how small on our socials, and remember stories like Louis’ when it comes time for casting your vote at the end of the year.


With just three components, you could be fishing a rig with confidence. How you may ask? Check out Wayne Smith’s latest rig walkthrough article on what he calls his “Easy No Name Rig.” This rig is a great all rounder and with some minor modifications can be adapted to almost any application.

Jeff Christian’s latest installment in his Jeff’s Journal series has him reflecting on a challenging start to his summer season. Sometimes the best results are lessons learned, and in this entry, Jeff battles with himself more so than his quarry. Do you have any ideas for an article? Or a video showcasing a great little tip? Be sure to send your submissions in!


As always, we hope that this Newsletter has found you well. Though we are now in the dog days of summer, we hope that you still find some time amidst the chaos and back to school shopping to wet a line in search of gold. Be sure to get those kids out fishing and get them off of those devices! The AC might be inviting, but how can we possibly raise a generation of eco-conscious advocates if they spend more time in a virtual world? Let’s try and be those role models and give them real life experience before they are back under those fluorescent tubes! Fall will soon be here, and with it the final assault on this year’s campaigns.


Do you know who Willis Carrier is? Well, if you have central air conditioning in your home/workplace, you have him to thank. The invention of the modern air conditioner dates back to 1902, and by 1937 patents from the likes of Frederick McKinley Jones and others created smaller, portable units that eventually found their way into window units and automobiles. 120 years of innovation in the field of HVAC and man oh man we need it just as much now as they needed it then! June was an absolute scorcher, and forecasts for July look to be broiling as well. Across our community, we are seeing that the spawn is all but finished from coast to coast and for the next few weeks the bite should be electric with water temperatures still sitting in the low to mid 70 degree Fahrenheit mark for the majority of us. The kids are out of school, the banks are getting busier, and things are getting crazy here at HQ. Welcome to July, carpers, let’s dive in… seriously the water is lovely!


The Summer SSF event is fast approaching! Be sure to book off some time between July 27th and August 5th to compete in this 10 day long event. Your top three fish caught over the course of those days will determine your place on our leaderboard. Could you walk away a winner? Only one way to find out. Solo and Team sign ups are now available, so whether you are looking to be a solo flier or a part of a winning team, be sure to get your names in! Check out The SSF tab in our members only area to read all of the rules and have any of your questions answered.


The first round of our challenge series is over and after some seriously close finishes, we have our top eight competitors! Congratulations to Sean Martin, LP Lortie, Amenofis T Vidam, Dawson Cadeau, Keifer Day, Abhi Kunnanath, Jeff Christian and Brian Flikkema for advancing on to our second round! Our second round will be commencing soon, so be sure to stay up to date with all of the happenings of this years challenge by following along on our socials and under the Challenges tab in our members only area.


A huge welcome to LP Lortie, for returning to our OPS Team to fill a vital role that we feel has been left vacant for far too long. Louis will be assuming the role of our Québec Manager. For our Québec members, this means that you have a voice more than ever before. Louis is the man to reach out to for any questions, comments, concerns and suggestions that you might have. Ultimately, we would love to see even more engagement from our Québec compatriots and if there is anything that is needed to support that, that we can offer, we want to know! A huge thank you to Louis for stepping into this vital role. 


Our friend Abhi is not only a hell of an angler, but also someone who does not shy away from an opportunity to share this passion with others. Recently we have seen a mega post on our social platform that we think is a consideration for “The Mentor” category. Check this out:

“Sometimes it’s just about the little things. Introducing my good friend Scott: a bass diehard and someone who neglected carp for many years, questioning why I was ever fishing for them. Well, a few weeks after I caught the 42 I received a text that read “I need to catch a big fish”. Say nothing else, you know I was ready. Took him down to my river spot, we set up for an overnight. Since I was in charge of the fishing, he took on the role of cooking and setting up the camp. An honest relief not to worry about that and just focus on the fishing. About 230 in the morning we were woken up to what would be his very first carp. Then at 0700-0800 he landed his second. He was filled with pure excitement by the size and fight. Takes me back to the first carp I ever caught with my brother. I had to remind him that they get 3x this size and this is only the start. Small but still full of fight, these river carp always seem to be the most scrappy fish. 15 and 14 pounds respectively. Although we couldn’t seem to find the 20 pound plus shoal. This was a great introduction into the world of carp and what can be. Now there’s yet another bass angler who is converting to carp. Due to life we don’t often get to spend as much time together as we’d like. So regardless of fishing, it was a pleasure just to be in eachothers company again, and even more of a pleasure to put him on to a couple fish. In the famous words of Scotty “bass can suck it”. Safe to say this won’t be the last time he’s going to fish for carp, the addiction has only begun.” Now that is the kind of content we want to see on our page! When it comes time to cast your vote for this year’s Angler of the Year considerations… consider posts like these. Well in, Abhi, well in!


CCSTV documents all things carpy brought to you by members like you. This means that we want your content! Have a great tip to share about fishing in the summer heat? How about a hack like John Bulmer’s famous silica packet in the tackle box to prevent hooks from rusting? Or perhaps a quick session with some outrageous runs in a notorious runs water. Whatever you have lying around, or perhaps could come up with, consider submitting your entries to John. You can contact him on the site. We look forward to seeing what you can come up with.


Two locations this year! You read that correctly. In addition to our annual social held along the St. Lawrence River, we are ecstatic to announce that we have also confirmed a location for a second social for our western members in Saskatchewan! As we continue to grow, The CCS is aiming to create more events such as these to help connect our incredible demographic together and bring our motley crew together. Tickets are on sale now and can be found in the CCS Store.


A huge shoutout to Galen Yerex of @Ontcarpn for donating our giveaway bundle for the month of July! You could win a fully loaded Trakker NXG Tackle & Rig Pouch. Galen has also thrown in rigs, hooklink, pop ups, tubing and hooks. Keep terminal tackle and rigs neatly in one place with the NXG Tackle and Rig Pouch from the award-winning NXG luggage range. Featuring internal Velcro dividers, the NXG Tackle and Rig Pouch can be customised to keep all manner of terminal tackle items and accessories organised, whilst pre-tied rigs of up to 11ins can be stored on the 30cm x 20cm EVA rig board. Clear panels on both sides enable the user to view the contents at a glance, and a clear internal zipped pocket beneath the rig board enables further storage possibilities. Check out the rules under our Competitions tab. Get your name in that draw.


Some stunning mirrors and some chunky commons have been gracing our site as of late and if it doesn’t get the blood flowing and tickle all the right brain parts… are you even a carper? If you happen to stumble across a respectable 30+ lb common, or a mirror of any size, be sure to submit photos of your memorable capture to the URC Gallery to be featured alongside our other members that have hit the mark! Looking at our URC Top Ten, it’s crazy to imagine catching a fish over 38 lbs 10 oz to even see your name present, but clearly, it isn’t impossible to catch a fish that would cement your place on that list. Be sure to check out our recent video on properly weighing fish, by taring the weight of the sling and so on to get the most accurate reading. Happy big specimen hunting!


Will Muschett’s article on “A Theory About Mirrors” was certainly a thought provoking one, and there is even more content coming down the pipe! We have a new Podcast featuring a special guest and Sean Martin’s Sit Down Series returning soon! Be sure to check the site frequently as new content is going live all the time! Have an idea for an article? Perhaps something En Francais for our French speaking members? Submit your ideas and articles to the site.


In closing, we hope that you can seek some reprieve from the summer heat, but get out and enjoy some quality time with friends and family on the bank! Be sure to look for some deeper and possibly flowing water at this time of year and do not hesitate to absolutely fill in a swim with bait… you simply can’t feed them enough at this time of year! Consistently baiting a swim will, as it generally does, help to keep fish visiting and confidently feeding in your area. Overnights and mornings will likely yield those desired results in the heat of the summer! Remember to stay hydrated, wear sun protective clothing and sunscreen, and don’t forget that bug repellent!


To think, a few weeks ago most of the lakes out west were still frozen stiff, and now they are opening up and fish are being spotted crashing in shallow bays! Crazy how quickly things can change this time of year. They say that April showers bring May flowers, but let’s hope that those monsoons of late will bring more than just abundant flora! The rivers are swollen, the fish are biting and the SSF is only two weeks away, it’s got to be May! It’s about to get really busy at CCS HQ, so let’s talk about what to expect this month.

If you haven’t already signed up for this SSF event, what are you waiting for? It’s two weeks away! You will note some changes from last years events that we have gone over in previous Newsletters and more information about these changes can be found in the Members area under SSF. Have you wondered perhaps what prompted these changes? Do you have something you want to say about these changes? Do you have some other ideas for how we can improve the formatting of such events? Then the CCS wants to hear from you. These most recent changes are what you might call a “trial run” to see if participants see value in having more of a chance of placing in the top of each category. We will be putting out a member survey and/or hosting a virtual event to get the opinions of our members after the event to determine how these events will proceed going forward. It’s worth signing up to be able to see how these changes could be very welcomed. So don’t delay, kick off is only TWO WEEKS AWAY.

For a little more motivation, check out the prizes on the site.

Don’t forget to tag all of your captures on social media with #CCSSSF2024. Tight lines all!

Recent social media posts have shown how opportunities can be taken away when we don’t take care. Ponds no longer stocking fish for future generations, and access to public being restricted or outright prohibited due to garbage and disrespect of bankspace. Let’s do our part and try and pick up not only after ourselves, but perhaps one other person that doesn’t share the mentality that we do. If everyone adopted such a practice, just imagine how much cleaner this world would be, and how much more opportunities we could see. Kevin Girolametto, our head of the Leave No Trace initiative here with the CCS, has this to say:

For the entire month of May 2024, let’s harness the collective power of Canadian carp anglers and CCS members to drive positive change and inspire others worldwide through our actions and social media presence. Leading by example is a potent force, and when we come together, our impact is magnified. Let’s not only bring back what we take fishing but also take the initiative to clean up any mess left behind by others along the banks. Capture before-and-after photos, weigh any garbage that is collected, and share them in our #leavenotracegroup and/or on social media. By compiling a gallery of images and stories from the CCS community, we aim to motivate and encourage others to follow suit. With the spring SSF approaching (May 18th – 27th), there’s ample opportunity for participants to make a meaningful difference over the 10-day event. Even those not partaking in the SSF can contribute. Let’s focus our efforts and strive to make a significant impact throughout May. If you prefer not to join the #leavenotrace group, you can email your pictures directly to the CCS admin. Thank you in advance to everyone for your participation and dedication to preserving our natural environment.

Speaking of leaving no trace and trying to rectify the great injustice of pollution and garbage, our latest partner ReCast Fishing is bringing us back to the three R’s, and highlighting how we can reduce our impact, by reusing plastics found in aquatic environments to recycle them into new hard plastic baits. We can’t stress enough how on side we at the CCS are, and although not a “carpy” product, we are fully aware that a number of our members are multispecies anglers. With that being said, we have reached out for a partnership and they have accepted! CCS Members receive 10% off of ReCast products. Let’s help ReCast in their mission to have a positive impact on the environment and catch some predatory species in the process. Happy eco-conscience shopping.

Those nasty little buggers are back, and with that comes two of the biggest carriers of bloodborne diseases. Did you know that mosquitos are considered one of the most deadly creatures on the planet as a result of malaria’s high mortality rate in developing countries. Though Canada might not be a developing country, it’s a bit of food for thought that you never know who that mosquito bit last. Be sure to wear repellents with deet when possible and wear clothing that limits exposed skin. Do tick checks after every trip, particularly if where you are fishing is frequented by wildlife such as deer, or is located near dense, unkempt grass/vegetation. When doing a tick check of the body, be sure to check everywhere warm as they are very sneaky and particularly like finding areas of the body where they can be hidden from direct exposed view whilst still remaining warm. Belly buttons and behind the ears are very common places and often go unchecked. Having a tick kit on you or at home is recommended to be able to remove the tick properly upon discovery, as is tucking pants into socks when possible to give ticks less access to warm areas such as inside of the knees, groin and buttocks. Lyme disease is on the rise and tick populations are expanding annually so take this matter seriously.

Join us in recognizing Canadian Mental Health Awareness Week from May 6 to 12, 2024, as we shed light on the importance of mental well-being. Did you know that activities like carp fishing can promote good mental health? Engaging in outdoor recreational activities like fishing promotes mindfulness and relaxation, contributing to a positive mindset. This year the CMHA’s Mental Health Week aims to emphasize the healing power of compassion, this year’s theme, “A Call to be Kind,” urges us to recognize the profound impact of kindness on mental health. Let’s embrace our capacity for compassion and come together to support one another. We invite you to join the mental health group on the CCS platform, where members can potentially connect, share experiences, find support or simply read others posts surrounding mental health. Together, let’s explore how compassion connects us all and make a difference in the lives of those struggling with mental health challenges.

Sean Martin, the carp catching connoisseur is also a lover of all things nature and an advocate for respecting those with whom we share the bank with. He shared a message of similar sentiment last year and we felt it needed to be shared once again. To paraphrase, as anglers, we are guests to the river and so should give courtesy to nesting birds and other wildlife (yes that means snakes too, Sean) recognizing that this space is their home. Be cautious as to where you step, and be sure to clean up after yourself to help protect not only the wildlife, but also protect the space for future generations to enjoy. Brilliantly said, Sean! As anglers we are the boots on the ground for places such as the MNR and our voice is important. If you see anything that seems to be a concern, do not keep it to yourself and if you see others not respecting wildlife, do your part and confront or report it. We are guests, and so we should be sure to show some etiquette.

We absolutely missed mentioning last month that the Angler of the Year campaign has commenced once again. We will be sticking with the same categories as last year; The Beastmaster, The Most Improved, The Most Hardcore, The Mentor and The Angler of the Year. Last year was such a resounding success and we are excited to bring it back for its second year. All the great posts throughout April have been a great sign that the 2024 race for Angler of the Year has begun. Keep your eyes on the social media channels for anglers that exemplify what it means to be an ambassador of the sport, who is actively involved and contributes to the community in a variety of ways. Also watch for those anglers who are new to the sport that are learning by leaps and bounds and progressing well in their craft. Finally, consider those hardcore anglers that fish in any and all conditions, and those that manage to find behemoth carp consistently. If all of these boxes are ticked for one angler, then perhaps they are worthy of the title of Angler of the Year. From now until the end of the season, engage and immerse yourself in the community. Who knows, perhaps you will find yourself holding one of those five titles at the end of this year.

Win a pair of Nash Siren S5 Digital Alarms. Renowned Siren sensing capability with advanced digital technology and component integrity for reliable, responsive indication whatever the weather. Keep you eye on the Competition tab – This giveaway will go live next week.

We hope that your spring campaigns have been fruitful thus far and that you have managed to find sometime or will over the course of the SSF event to be able to get in a bit of fishing alongside your fellow members. The finest season of them all is upon us friends, let’s get out in the pursuit of some golden glory! 


Ah, it is the month of love, family and friendship. Hopefully your significant other showered you with gifts a plenty in the form of some fluoro pink pop ups (always a good choice in spring)! Although some of us might be dreading the idea that this month has an extra day this year, our meteorologically inclined rodents have given us some good news; a promise of an early spring! Though winter likely won’t go quietly, we do hope that those fuzzy little buggers are right and that soon our waters will be a bit more wibbly wobbly. Welcome to February friends, we are nearly there! We hope that this installment finds you well.

On January 21st we hosted our first annual Angler of the Year Virtual Banquet. We celebrated the achievements of the 2023 season and honoured some of those amongst us that exhibited exemplary angling, conservationism, and the spirit of the CCS and Canadian Carp angling. We applaud all of those who were recognized for being in the running for the titles of The Beastmaster, The Mentor, The Most Improved Angler and The Most Hardcore Angler. Congrats to our winners; Sean Martin, John Bulmer, Dawson Cadeau and Peter Weldon! You gentlemen are truly extraordinary in your own rights and we are pleased to have you as a part of this community. We are already keeping our eyes on the newsfeed as this new year dawns, searching for those who stand out amongst us. Remember, if you embody the philosophies of the CCS, put in the work on developing your craft, and take us along on the journey, you could very well be recognized amongst your fellow members!

Do you like free stuff? Does a bear **** in the woods? Well you could be a winner in the months of March and April! If you didn’t already know, as a member you get a discount at Carp Kit International, a true one stop shop for all things carpy here in Canada! On top of that incredible discount however, Carp Kit has just offered something amazing! You could win $150 of carp gear in March and April! If you place an order for ANYTHING from Carp Kit in March and April you will automatically be entered into the monthly draw. There is a code that will need to be entered that will only be made available to our members. So be sure to check out COMPETITIONS for that code, members! Simon will draw the winner each month using Wheel Of Names. The draw will be posted to Official Announcements. Time to stock up for spring and maybe, just maybe win some freebies to boot!

Our latest content features an article by William Muschett that dives into some of his favourite camping and carping in comfort hacks. This is a great little article, and it will certainly get those wheels turning as to how to make your stay on the bankside more comfortable this season! If you have any other great hacks, be sure to post them on the site using the hashtag #hacks. In addition to this, our latest podcast has gone live! Our very own Anthony Russell sat down with Joe Wooltorton A.K.A Curly (@nuffinbutfishing) for a great chat about videography, photography and much more! If you recall, Joe sat down with Galen Yerex (@ontcarpn) and Dan Patteson (@dpatt.fishing) at Ashmansworthy Pools in the UK for Carpology segment which was certainly the talk of our community. Could this mean Carpology finds its way to Canada… time will tell! Finally, a little birdie has informed us that CCSTV Ep.6 is ready to launch! Be sure to keep your eyes on the site for an official release date!

A brief message from our Mental Health and Leave No Trace ambassador, Kevin Girolametto:
It’s okay not to be okay. In a world where mental health struggles often go unnoticed, or unaddressed, it’s crucial to acknowledge that many of us are grappling with inner battles. Shockingly, statistics reveal that one in two individuals facing mental health issues aren’t accessing the necessary support, indicating a significant gap in access to vital services. However, there’s no shame in acknowledging these struggles; in fact, it’s essential to talk about them openly to break down the stigma surrounding mental health. For many, myself included, fishing serves as a sanctuary, a way to practice mindfulness and find solace amidst life’s challenges. Whether landing a fish or simply soaking in the peacefulness of nature, fishing offers a much-needed escape from the daily hustle and bustle, providing valuable downtime for mental well-being. Check out our Mental Health Tab in the members area and please don’t hesitate to join our Mental Health group.

You may recall that we put out a request to our community recently asking for a select number of members to commit to consistent installments be it weekly, monthly etc. A huge shoutout to Jeff Christian, one of our most active members for offering up his time to bring us Jeff’s Journal! In addition to this, we are excited to see Reg Doucet, Gerald Pirson and James Capitain (Fishing in the Basement with the River Rats) producing some great content on YouTube that has been shared on our social feed as well. From bait making, to unboxing videos to hacks we are excited to see what more comes from this channel! Whether it be videos, articles, or simply posts, we celebrate all of our members’ contributions.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the northmost reaches of a body of water heat up the fastest, as they are exposed to sunlight for more extended periods of time. This means that generally speaking, carp will gather in shallower waters on the Northern side of a lake as spring temperatures begin to warm things up. This little tidbit of knowledge might come in handy should you begin scouting your spring campaign swims. Of course, there are exceptions to this, like for example if a body of water has a warm water discharge or a creek/river mouth that’s source extends far into the land into wide open and winding topography. These locations would be optimal for the simple fact that these warmer, flowing waters would be rich in nutrients and early season hatches. Hopefully, this little tip on where to look has helped you narrow your focus for this coming season!

Have you landed an incredible capture worthy of our URC Gallery? Or perhaps that first mirror that will forever be etched into your memory? Why not immortalize it in style! For our CCS Members you will receive 20% off digital copies of your favourite catches. Andy at Bankbound has created some amazing images. We have teamed up with BankBound to offer our members the opportunity to get your own at a huge discount. You can find Bankbound on Instagram – @bankboundcarppics.

Well, that’s you all caught up for this month! Let’s hope that the fuzzy forecaster was right on all accounts, and soon that white powdery nonsense will go the way of the dodo and the ice will release our lakes from its firm grasp. One can hope!


Happy New Year! We hope that you had a wonderful winter holiday with friends and loved ones. It may seem bleak now, but rest be assured those days are beginning to grow longer. We are sure that the majority of you are longing for the inevitable and long awaited start to the new season. However, while you curse your sore back from all of the shoveling and vex the cold through chattering teeth, sit back for a few moments and read this latest installment in our monthly newsletter for some exciting things to come in 2024!

The votes have been cast, and the winners decided. Who will take home the titles of Beastmaster, Most Improved, The Mentor, and the Most Hardcore and of course the Angler of the Year? Well, you will just have to tune in to our live broadcast on Sunday, January, 21st 7:00 PM (EST) to find out! A little birdie has also chirped in to inform us that there will be a few more titles and honourable mentions to be acknowledged! We won’t be providing any further details or hints at this time, so tune in for a wondrous time, in celebration of outstanding anglers in your community! 

Our ever popular SSF Series is entering into its fourth year! Over these four years, changes have been made throughout to ensure improved cohesion, management, and more consistent updates. These changes aim to make things more streamlined and equitable. New this year, starting with the Spring SSF, there will be SOLO OR TEAM entries only. This means that if you enter as a solo angler you CANNOT enter as part of a team. Likewise, if you enter as part of a team you CANNOT enter as a solo angler. We made this change to give all of our members a chance of getting into the top of each leaderboard. Please contact us if you have any questions. Our aim is to make this a worldwide event, bringing our community together on our own platform while promoting the CCS on other social media using #CCSSSF and #THECCS

We listen to your feedback! This year we will be upping the ante on the SSF prizes. Please keep an eye on the site for announcements on this over the next few weeks. 

Although we do have a few more articles coming down the pipe, they are coming from names that we have all seen before, and power to them for continuing to produce quality content! However, this is a community and we can all learn from one another. With that being said, we are looking for one or two people that would be interested in doing a weekly or bi-weekly column for the CCS site.

What might this include?
Mini articles, opinions, ramblings and rants about our sport. Pretty much anything goes.
500 to 1500 words with a couple of photos.
This will have its own section within ARTICLES.
These would be emailed to CCS.
This is member only content.

If you are interested, please email – [email protected]

On the search for the perfect compact tackle box? How about with a little rig wallet portion built right in? Well, look no further  you could be our lucky winner!

The Korda BASIX Tackle Box has been designed to offer plenty of storage space for all your rig bits, whilst making it easy to organise and find them when you need to. It is made from shockproof, high impact plastic, with a translucent lid to enable you to see inside.

The lid features a ruler to enable you to accurately measure your rigs and is fastened via two latch closures to prevent any chance of it coming open during transit. Inside the lid of the BASIX Tackle Box are 21 small latched compartments of various sizes, which are perfect for storing items such as lead clips and swivels. Inside the box there are two large compartments, with fixed dividers, which are perfect for rig tools, hook link spools and the like.

It also features a removeable rig tray, complete with pins, which can be used to store up to eight pre-tied rigs (such as the BASIX Ready Tied Hair Rigs), and under this is another long storage compartment.

Entries for this giveaway close on Wednesday 31st January 2024. Be sure to check out this competition under the Members only tab!

Have you tried Monster Carp Tackle’s Corn Pellets? Well, if you haven’t added them into a spod mix, or into some PVA, consider yourself missing out! You can find tons of affordable feeder boilies, corn pellets and hookbaits on the Monster Carp Tackle site, along with their top notch Universal Perfection hook range, and other bits and bobs on their website www.monstercarptacke.com. CCS Members get 10% just for being a member! Check out our Benefits page under the Members only tab for the discount code!

Adam Battersby added a few special photos to the feed the other day of some mirrors he landed on the notorious Rice Lake. It got us thinking about a special little page that we have in conjunction with our URC. Perhaps you haven’t seen it? Our Mirrors Gallery is open to those special recessive mutants that we call mirrors! Have you landed a fully scaled? A near leather? A linear?! Well if so, consider submitting photos along with required details to the Mirrors gallery! We are seeing more and more special specimens getting added, proving that the long standing myth that our wild waters only contain cookie cutter commons is utter nonsense…as overwhelming as that ratio might be on certain waters! Additionally, if you manage to land a substantial fish over thirty pounds this season, consider adding it to our URC 2024 page! Take a peak over at these two pages on the site, and get some motivation to pursue something amazing this year!

We’ve noted some very interesting posts coming from our members as of late on the feed. One that really got our attention was Galen’s post about weights and whether we really need three plus ounces. It was thought provoking and definitely got a few members engaged in discourse. We built this social platform for just such a reason. Our forum is designed to engage our community and drive critical thinking for us all to broaden our perspectives and improve in this amazing sport. So whether you have a great bait recipe, a tip on how to be more eco friendly, interesting theories you wish to bounce off of seasoned anglers or questions on how to improve catch rates, that’s what we want to see! If it starts a conversation, who knows what it could blossom into… that’s how the CCS started after all! 

Have you been following this newsletter for a while now and thinking about becoming a member? Are you set to renew your membership soon and wondering what our Pro Level membership offers over our Standard Level? Well, we are starting to roll out this year’s merch packs. We change the design of the t-shirt every year. It might be a subtle change but this year is something a little different. Likewise, the same can be said for the merch packs. These include some new additions! At the time of writing, the first 20 packs are being sent out this week. 

As per usual, we hope that this newsletter finds you well. To our friends and members in the Prairies, we hope that this cold snap releases you from its grip soon. Stay warm! Meanwhile, Ontarians and Quebecois are playing a good ole game of “where is the road?” Really makes you grateful for those warm summer days ahead, doesn’t it? A round of applause to those nutty enough to brave the cold and the powder for some winter glory. Can’t wait to see more of those first fish of 2024. Tight lines all!



21st October 2023

When we kicked off the CCS Challenge Series 2023 in June, CCS Ops Dave Pendlebury had the idea that the winner could challenge a member of the DT Baits UK team. We put that to DT Baits and it was accepted with pleasure! 

DT UK Team member Adrian Spooner stepped up to face CCS Challenge winner Sean Martin.

How it works. 

– Adrian will be fishing at a location in Kent, England. 12pm GMT.
– Sean will be fishing at a location in Ontario, Canada. 7am ET.
– Starting at the same time, both anglers will have 24 hours to catch. Biggest carp landed wins.
– Each angler will check-in by video at the start of the challenge, every 4 hours, and at the end of the challenge. 
– There will be filming at both locations. 

Thank you to Fenton Trewick and Swimbooker for helping to make this challenge possible. 

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