For some of us in Ontario and Quebec, a really brief warm spell in mid April was a very welcomed bit of weather that a good number of our constituents took advantage of. With temperatures approaching 30 degrees Celsius we received but a teaser of what many of us have been longing for. However, only a few days later we returned to at first seasonal and then well below seasonal temperatures, a wonderful reminder that our beloved Mother Nature can sometimes be a real temperamental… anyway. Welcome to May!

Leave No Trace

Just because Earth Day has come and gone, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be putting ECO over our own EGOs. We have heard from some of our members that they have already been observing waterfowl and turtles occupying the same spaces as them on the bank. Keep an eye out for our animal brothers and sisters and consider giving them the space to feel comfortable laying and raising their young. Needless to say we share this space with them and we need to recognize that we are the ones who are guests. As such, we need to remember to take out what we bring in, and even leave spaces BETTER than we find them. We know that we hammer this point into you often, just recognize that we feel this is a fundamental part of affirming our identity not only as an authority on carp fishing in Canada, but also as ambassadors for the conservation of this beautiful marble we call home. Let’s do our part and lead by example.

Mental Health Awareness

May 1st to 7th was Mental Health Week. This is obviously something that we at the CCS are really passionate about, as for many of us, angling is something that has saved us from the worst of ourselves. Regardless however, people still fight battles that some of us could scarcely imagine, and it hits closer to home than you could comprehend. Let’s end the stigma of talking about the way we feel (looking at you in particular, fellas)! Let’s instead open up the floor to difficult conversations and resolutions, over stagnation and succumbing to the darkness. Mental health is physical health and needs to be a priority in your life.

Check in on your friends!

SSF & Challenge Series

The time is nearly upon us to start (what will be for many) the first MEGA campaign of the year! The Spring SSF is merely DAYS away friends! Did you remember to book that time off of work? From what we can see the number of anglers that have signed up is the highest it has been to date! We are very excited to see what will come out of our illustrious waters this year and have heard rumours of some die hard missions that some of our members are on. This might get a bit competitive… but remember it is all in good fun!

The Challenge Series, on the other hand, is set to be cutthroat this year! Remember that ANYTHING can happen. Where the SSF is a week long, the Challenge comes down to a day of fishing. Ultimately, the day chosen could see a real contender facing near impossible conditions, or an underdog finding a shoal of absolute units during the duration of their session. It can truly come down to one fish, just ask William Muschett (that’s me I am writing this LOL)! Registration will be opening up soon so be sure to keep your eye out for the official announcement.

First Social: Peterborough

Our first social of 2023 was a successful one all things considered! A number of anglers from across Ontario met just north of Peterborough at a very accessible location for a day of fishing in some proper gag-worthy weather. The rain, wind and cold was less than desirable, but this didn’t stop Jacob Wyrzykowski from showing everyone how it was done, banking four gorgeous fish up to 32 lbs! Outstanding performance sir, and remember to upload that biggun to the URC Page! The CCS put up a $75 Monster Carp Tackle gift card for a draw! Congratulations to Craig Ross for winning that draw! Big thanks to James Nowell, Galen Yerex, Wayne Smith and Dan Patteson for helping to make this event a success. Stay tuned for the announcement for the next one.

Personal Safety: Ticks

Those little blood sucking, Lyme disease carrying a–arachnids are on the move once again. Once temperatures exceed 5 degrees Celsius, ticks begin to emerge and orient themselves on the outer reaches of grasses and branches in hopes of finding a host to latch on to. With concerns of ailments like Lyme Disease, we need to be mindful not only of where we walk, but also of doing tick checks after treks through taller vegetation/wooded areas. Tick repellents are also recommended as a means of deterring them. Don’t let a little bug become a BIG problem.

There is a very good article by Kevin Girolametto in the members section. Go to Articles > Ticks & Lyme Disease.

And Finally… 

To see the catch reports flying in, is certainly lighting a fire for the lot of us. The coming weeks look prime for some action for those of you that are waiting in the wings for an optimal time to get out there. Remember to double check that those bait stops are firmly in place and those hook protectors are off!


It’s finally here! Even our friends in the prairies are seeing temperatures in the double digits on the right side of the zero! Spring has finally arrived, and the capture reports are rolling in! Can you believe that there have already been a few 30 lb specimens landed by our members this year?! If this is telling of what is to come, this will be a season to remember. Hopefully, you have all booked off that time for our upcoming SSF event in May, and hopefully you are finding some time to, if not fish, scout out some promising locations for that first campaign of the year.

Angler Of The Year

The goal of this program is to highlight the growth, efforts and interactions of CCS members throughout the year. Members simply need to engage on our platform and within the various groups throughout the year with posts, write ups, content creation and such to highlight how their season is going. That’s it, just be active on our site so everyone can share in your journey of Carpyness.

At year’s end, members will have the opportunity to vote on a series of categories to decide all members most fitting of the presented titles. Once the votes are calculated, we will host a live broadcast to celebrate the accomplishments of our members and provide recognition to those YOU feel were most deserving through their actions and activities. 

If you are new to the sport, a specimen hunter, a carpy mentor or an absolutely obsessive Carp angler there will be a category for you. More details to follow, so watch our Official Announcements page.

First Social Of 2023

By popular request, we have decided to piece together a few more socials this year in varying locations across Canada. Our first this year will be in Peterborough, Ontario. April 29th is the current proposed date, and more details will follow so be sure to check out the site. This will be a day long social, as opposed to our previous multi-day socials. Look out for more socials similar to this one and nearer to you, to have the opportunity to meet more of our members and maybe have a few fish along the way!

Member Benefits

If you have been watching our Benefit page, then you know all too well that there are already a number of benefits to being a CCS member. Well, good news, more benefits are coming! They have been set in stone, and some of these will require you to have a digital/printed copy of your membership. Some of these benefits include a national tire service, accommodations and even a brand new tackle supplier. Keep your eyes peeled, as there are some pretty great perks on the horizon.

Earth Day

Earth Day is a globally recognized event that has taken place annually on April 22nd to raise awareness and inspire action towards environmental protection. It is crucial to take steps towards preserving the natural environment. As avid carp anglers in Canada, it is important for us to do our part and keep the swims that we fish litter free. Litter and debris not only detract from the beauty of these locations, but also have a harmful impact on the local wildlife and their habitats.

Remember, every little effort counts towards creating a sustainable environment, and Earth Day provides the perfect opportunity to start. Let’s all do our part and make a conscious effort to clean up after ourselves and leave the swims we fish better than we found them! The Canadian Carp Society believes that by taking collective action we can create a positive impact on the environment and inspire others to do the same.

Please join CCS members Kevin Girolametto, Adam Battersby and Chad Normand this coming April 22nd for Earth Day, and see how they hope to inspire others with the CCS’s own #LEAVENOTRACE campaign. They will be going live via social media platforms for a discussion and bankside cleanup. Please stay tuned and share.

New Content

New articles, podcasts and our latest edition of CCS Live are all available on the site. You might have noticed that this is a fairly common trend. Some of the topics covered in these latest contributions are very thought provoking and will certainly get those gears turning. If you are a member of the CCS, then you too could provide us with content! Have an article idea? Write it up! Have some footage lying around or even have plans to capture some footage? Send it in to be featured on CCSTV! Ultimately, we are a user driven community, the more we all engage the more there is for everyone!

Thank You Carp Kit

A massive thanks to Carp Kit International and Simon Stewart; for not only the benefits package set up for our members, but for also hosting competitions throughout the year. Recently, there has been a monthly giveaway for members who have made purchases on the Carp Kit site since January. These monthly giveaways have helped to fill the boots and buckets of our lucky members and we wanted to make sure to thank our generous sponsor for such a great perk. Thank you Simon and thank you Carp Kit. Be sure to check out to add some much needed carpy paraphernalia to your kit.

And Finally… 

Needless to say, the sun is warm and inviting and our waters are returning to that soft, flowing state that we all very much prefer. If you haven’t been able to get out quite yet (sorry prairie folk) just know that it will be here soon enough, maybe even by our next newsletter. Tight lines to you all, the season is upon us!


Is it just us, or did February come and go in a blink of an eye?! March has arrived friends, and with it, a promise that Spring is just around the corner. Before long, we will all be bankside once again, actively participating in this collective addiction we share. 

A Fond Farewell to Mr. Martin

To start off, a bit of bittersweet news. The Ops Team is sad to announce that our good friend Sean Martin has stepped down from his role with us. Whether or not this will be temporary, or permanent, Sean’s contributions as a member of the founding inner circle that brought the CCS to life will not be forgotten or overshadowed. Sean will continue to run his “Sit Down” Series, and will happily involve himself in projects going forward. You are a true ambassador of this sport Mr. Martin and we will wish you all the best in your future ventures! 

CCS 2nd Anniversary

It’s hard to believe that what started as 15 guys from all across Canada throwing ideas around on a Zoom call has turned into this. As of March 20th, the CCS will be two years young, and my oh my have we grown! It is all thanks to all of you who believed in our mission, and shared in this passion. So here’s a huge thank you to the lot of you, members! Be sure to keep your eyes on the site for updates for some second year anniversary celebratory events!


To celebrate our 2 year anniversary, we will be running a couple of competitions. Members will have the chance to win some very limited edition CCS gear!

As a reminder to all of our members – Buy anything from Carp Kit throughout March to be in for a chance to win $150 worth of carp gear! For more details, see the information in Official Announcements. 

CCS Store

Are the kids still calling it $wag? Or is it #dripcheck now? Either way, be sure to check out the CCS Store as we will be adding some very limited items to celebrate our 2 years! Once they’re gone, THEY’RE GONE!

Winter Warriors

It’s hard to believe that with the harshness of winter, some of our members from right here in the Great White North are still managing to put carp on the mat. Since our last newsletter, there have been more capture reports from Peter Weldon, John Bulmer, Harry Kouwen, Jeff Christian and Donald Richard just to name a few. Big ups to these winter heroes for braving the elements that have so many of us hunkered down with cabin fever! You are an inspiration to us all! Be sure to post all of your captures to the main page and if you happen to net a 30, don’t forget to submit to the URC page.


If you haven’t already set time aside to view the latest installment of CCSTV, then you should really consider getting on that! With ample footage of last year’s social on the banks of the St. Lawrence, this episode is the next best thing to having been there in person! Maybe it will even inspire you to join one or more of this year’s socials… yes we said or more 😉 stay tuned for more information. Remember that ANY member of the CCS can and is encouraged to add content to our CCSTV. So, record any and all of your adventures and banter whilst bankside, in your carpy man cave tying rigs, wherever! You are likely amongst us anglers who have said “I wish I had the camera rolling for that.” So, get those cameras rolling friends!

CCS Live

James Nowell did a fantastic job on the last CCS Live. His guest Kevin Girolametto was the inspiration behind a huge heart to heart talk about mental health and seeking help. This first half of the Live was NOT recorded for reasons of confidentiality and not wanting such messages to find their way outside of our circle and be misconstrued and/or misrepresented. His second guest, Will Muschett, spoke of his experiences working with bringing carp to the masses and working alongside such TV Shows as Fish’N Canada, and with the likes of Matt Hayes. If this month’s Live – 7pm Sunday 26th March – will be anything like the past two, you certainly won’t want to miss another exceptional program. 

Cypography Features Canada!

Cypography and KWO have finally made the announcement we have all been waiting for with baited breath. Prairie Banx 2 is LIVE! A HUGE congratulations to Paul Cioca, Anthony Russell and Ryan Ginter for this incredible achievement and a huge thanks to you gentleman for showcasing the incredible potential of Canada’s wild water carp fishing. The videography is bar- none and the journey is inspiring. Words can scarcely describe the importance of this production. You can find a link for 24 hours free access on the site (see Official Announcements) to catch the first of 3 Prairie Banx 2 installments. A subscription to Cypography or KWO for parts 2 and 3 wouldn’t be a bad idea… Netflix for carpers, what’s not to like!?!

A Call To Action: Mental Health Check-In

Inspired by Kevin Girolametto’s work with the mental health page in addition to his recent CCS Live appearance, we feel that we should all consider our mental well-being and the well-being of those around us. Take the time this month to reach out to a friend and help lift their spirits, or alternatively take a bit of time for yourself to recharge those batteries and find time for your passions. This is your challenge, NOW GET TO IT!

And Finally… 

It’s insane to think that we are nearing two years, and as we have grown to over 225 members across this vast land. We feel that it is safe to say that we all feel a little closer to one another thanks to this wonderful platform and to all of you. Don’t forget to book off that time for the upcoming Spring SSF event! The news feed will soon be flooded with many member’s first captures of the year, we are nearly there friends!

Tight lines!


The verdict from our weather prognosticating rodents is that we are to expect six more weeks of winter. Yes, unfortunately all but Wiarton Willie have given us this grim forecast. Could they be wrong? One could hope, but the Farmer’s Almanac is definitely showing a similar trend for the long range forecast as we have now come into the month of February. Welcome, to the shortest month of the Calendar year, let’s hope it flies by as quickly as January!

CCS Live

The first installment of CCS Live was amazing! Did you miss it? That’s alright, because we made sure to record it! Check it out if you haven’t already under the “Broadcasts” tab. Big ups to James Nowell for hosting and to the guests Wayne Smith, Julien Tremblay, Sean Martin, Ryan Ginter and Galen Yerex for sharing their stories and perspectives as they looked back on 2022 and the very productive seasons they had. Very much looking forward to the next one at the end of this month. 


During the live, you might recall that James alluded to the exciting news that CCSTV Ep.4 is on its way! Yes indeed it has been confirmed that the latest installment will drop any day now! Big thanks to John Bulmer of The Angler Files for continuing to take on this commitment to bring us a lovely compilation of the successes and lighterside of Canadian carp angling from all across this beautiful country! What a way to warm our innards and get us fired up for spring during these bitterly cold months. Stay tuned!

SSF 2023

The 2023 SSF registration is open! Is there an echo in here? Do we need to say it again? If you are looking to have a bit of fun this year and haven’t already participated in one of these events we strongly encourage you to give them a go! If you are a veteran of the game then you already know and perhaps preparations have already begun to put together your team and scout out likely spring swims! Remember that you can participate in either solo, team or both events! Be sure to check out the dates on the official SSF tab to know when to call the Bossman and tell them that you are sick that week!

Ops Team

A big welcome to a man from the land without common carp… somehow! John O’Connor is an ex-pat living in, of all places, Alberta. A province supposedly void of common carp with only mentions of Prussian carp anywhere you read. John O’Connor has been so kind as to step up to represent both Alberta, as well as fill the role of our Benefits Manager. His duty will be to find more discounts, and deals for our CCS members with the purchase of that membership every year. Big ups to John who we understand is already putting a few things together. Let it be known that you can reach out to him with any questions and ideas you may have! Thanks John, for taking on the role.

Prairie Banx 2

What started out as some connections made on our CCS site, has now turned into a worldwide phenomenon. Paul Cioca of Team Carp Official on YouTube and a member of the CCS met Anthony Russell and Ryan Ginter through the CCS and together they filmed, to date, the greatest Canadian carp film ever produced, Prairie Banx. This caught the attention of viewers all around the world showcasing what Canada had to offer the carp fishing world. We learned just recently that it also caught the attention of two big names in the Carping world. We would like to congratulate Paul Cioca on partnering with Cypography and KWO to bring to the world’s stage Prairie Banx 2. We should all celebrate Paul and this amazing achievement helping to put Canada on the map to an audience well-beyond our borders!

Latest Content

Have you been keeping up to date with the latest content? There is some seriously amazing stuff in the annals of the collection that continues to grow. John Wannamaker’s article on Statistics and Carp Fishing Part 2: Chasing the 50 is simply fantastic and an incredibly analytical and mathematical way of looking at the likelihood of catching a 50 lb fish in a water body like Lake Ontario. Definitely worth the read! How about the very unique article that just dropped, or should we say obituary? The Ode To the Claw is quite possibly one of the first articles ever written in Canada dedicated to the celebration of the life of one beloved fish landed by a group of anglers over the course of six years! Finally, the latest CCS Podcast features part two of a conversation between the CCS and the ACS (American Carp Society), our friends south of the 49th parallel. Keep your eyes on that truly Canadian content. 


Make sure you join all of the groups the CCS has to offer so as to make the most of your experience! Remember that you can reach out to any member at any time if you have any ideas or questions, and be sure to reach out to the OPS team if you have any ideas for content, contests etc. 

Consider giving a CCS membership, the winter holidays may have come and gone, but you can still take advantage of this gracious offer to help someone you know align with this amazing group.

Finally, remember to check the Competitions page for any and all contests. Carpkit is still running its contest for $150 of free carpy paraphernalia and all you need to do is put in an order! Be sure to check out the details! Additionally, we still have a photo contest that is running for the entire year! We anticipate that a flood of images will start rolling in come spring, but remember the most Canadian carpy photo might not feature a carp at all! Get your cameras out and your thinking caps on!

And Finally… 

As much as we may hope that those meteorologically inclined, ground dwelling mammals are wrong and that so too is the Farmer’s Almanac, I think it’s fair to say that Spring will soon come when it is due. Until then, let’s stay warm and prepare ourselves for the amazing year ahead!

Tight Lines! 


Courtesy of Simon at Carp Kit, we have a fantastic exclusive CCS member only giveaway.

Simply place an order for anything at Carp Kit during January, February and March to be entered into a monthly draw to win $150 of bait and end tackle. Names will be drawn randomly by Carp Kit.


At the Checkout, part 2 (Shipping), in Order Comments type:
“CCS Jan exclusive” for orders placed in January
“CCS Feb exclusive” for orders placed in February
“CCS Mar exclusive” for orders placed in March

Yes, you must be a CCS member.


And so we have come to the final newsletter of 2022. As the holidays and winter festivus fast approach, we reflect upon this year in passing and make up our wish lists for jolly old Saint Nick and co.

Welcome All! Don’t Miss Out!

We would first like to welcome all of the 91 new members that have joined us over this past year and invite them to check out all of the groups, articles, videos and more that can be found on our site and app to stay up to date on all things carpy. That goes for all of you long standing members as well. Be sure to check out all of the groups that you can be a part of on our social page. These include buy and sell, bait, rigs, photography, mental health and many more specialized and focused groups. Share your knowledge and bask in a wealth of genius from your fellow members.

Gift a Membership

Looking for a last minute gift idea for someone you know that isn’t already a member of the CCS? Well… why not gift a membership? We feel that for the low cost of our membership any aspiring carp angler would be astounded by all it has to offer! There may even be something in it for you for helping bring more members on board.

The Sit Down Series

Sean Martin will be continuing his “Sit Down” series with the Big Bad Battersby Brothers, Adam and Ben! They have been tearing it up on waters all across Ontario, so this will not be one to miss!


CCS TV Ep.4 is coming down the pipe! We hear rumblings of a January launch, but more details won’t be available until next month’s newsletter, so stay tuned.

CCS Live

Starting January for 3 months, the last Sunday of the month, James Nowell is going to host our new CCS Live sessions. Each session will be split up into 3 parts. This will be done via Zoom and broadcast live on the site. James has already begun working on his itinerary and has made up his schedule informing all guests of the chance of being featured in the broadcasts. Our first CCS Live will be January 28th starting at 7:00 pm (EST) so don’t miss it!


We have mentioned it before and we will mention it again, our article archive is growing by leaps and bounds and there is something for everyone in that catalog. John Bulmer’s recent article “Love All Carp” is a truly special one and we encourage all you to check it out to remind us to appreciate all things in life.

Most Carpy Canadian Photo Comp

How carpy and Canadian can you get in one photo? Capture the true essence of what it means to be a carper and a Canadian for your chance to win a CCS Prize Pack including a one of a kind “Most Canadian Carper” T-Shirt. Break out your hockey sticks, your Timbits, your Keswickian Dinner Jacket and crack open a cold Molson with some carpy paraphernalia tossed in for good measure. This comp closes December 31st, 2023. More details will be posted in Official Announcements.

Monthly Photo Comp

How would you like to appear on our global home page? This is the page visible to the rest of the world, and the logged-out page, and is purely a showcase of what our members catch. Simply post your photo in the Photo Comp group with the #monthlyphoto and we will select one photo per month and add it to the home page gallery with your name. The gallery will also be included in the Photo Comp page. More details will be posted in Official Announcements.

Carp Kit Monthly Draw

January to March – A CCS Member only exclusive. Win $150 worth of bait and end tackle each month, courtesy of Carp Kit. Order anything from Carp Kit between January 1st 2023 and March 31st 2023 to be entered into a monthly draw. More details will come in Official Announcements.

Thank you

A huge thank you to all that have supported us in 2022. It has been a crazy year for us with many changes, the success of the SSF Events, the Challenge Series and the first annual CCS Social to name but a few. 

We would like to wish you all the very best for 2023. 


In Alberta and Saskatchewan we are hearing of snow, meanwhile in Quebec some are having near fifty fish sessions in temperatures nearly ten degrees above seasonal. If this isn’t telling of our reach across this vast country, what is? Winter is soon to be upon all of us however, and that cabin fever and nagging need to do any and all things fishing to keep one’s sanity will once again return. As we near the end of the season, let’s talk about how incredible these past six plus months have been for our motley Canadian crew:

The 2022 SSF series has come to a conclusion with some absolutely incredible results for our Fall installment.

In our Solo event Ryan Ginter put out some OUTRAGEOUS weights with his top three fish weighing 40, 36 and 35 lbs for a total of 111 lbs! Congrats sir on another fantastic outcome! Adam Battersby and Nick Tietjen took second and third place with weights of 92.5 and 85.5 lbs respectively. With forty participants signing up for this past solo event we are once again pleased to see our members enjoying some friendly competition.

In our Teams event, we saw thirty teams compete and boy what a nail bitter right down to the finish! Congrats to Team Corn Walrus (Brendon Patteson, Dan Patteson and Galen Yerex) for taking the gold in this event. Following up in second was Poseiden’s Witness (Ilya Papkov, Vadym Hordov and Daria Voitovych) and Bangers and Mash (John Pundyk, James Capitain and Ben Radvanyi) taking third with only 4lb separating first and third. Unreal!

The 2022 Challenge Series started with 32 anglers battling it out for the crown and after five months and five rounds our winner is Julien Tremblay! After battling it out through all of the rounds to make it to the finals, Julien suffered a bad injury to his hand. By the grace of his competition in the form of a fellow Quebec native Alex Roy, Julien was given time to recover and once rested and ready the two took on a swim side by side to decide who would be crowned the victor. A true battle between two gentlemen ensued and Julien came out on top with some respectful fish to show for it! Koodos to a true showing of sportsmanship by Alex! Just goes to show that you NEVER know what might go down in these events!.

The 1st CCS Social by consensus of all of those present was a resounding success. Many of those who attended had the opportunity to meet anglers whom they have only ever spoken to or heard of via our platform or other social media. A BBQ, Tackle Swap and Sell, Coffee, great chats and laughs and of course a few fish thrown in the mix made for some memorable moments and newly kindled friendships. A big thanks to Nathan and Wayne for putting it all together.

With that being said, perhaps you are interested in signing up and participating in next year’s events. Be sure to stay up to date with our announcements, it is also never too early to start scouting and planning those campaigns.

Our friends at Pallatrax are hosting a giveaway for CCS members! All you need to do is head over to our “Competitions” heading in our Members tab and simply enter for your chance to win one of two prize packs that include:
– 3 Stonez lead free weights
– 5 packs of Gripz hooks (varying patterns)

Did you know that we now have over 100 articles written by our members? Everything from rig talks to philosophy can be found in our archives. With the colder months ahead and likely the end of the season for many, now is a great time to catch up on any and all you have missed.

Another fishing season is drawing to a close across much of this beautiful country, and yet those brave enough to face the elements could still pluck a golden treasure from the now darkening waters. Best of luck to those of you competing in the final SSF of 2022. Whether fishing solo, or with a trio, the SSF is a fantastic bit of fun. If you haven’t joined one previously, consider signing up for our Spring SSF next May!

The Challenge series has come down to our last two competitors. A battle of Quebec which has unfortunately seen a brief delay. However, some good sportsmanship has been shown by Alex Roy as his friend, and opponent, Julien Tremblay has suffered an injury to his hand and for the meantime must rest it up. More details will come as this event gets underway once again!

In other news, there is little that can be said about the CCS Social that hasn’t already been! A fantastic event that saw over 20 anglers from all over Ontario and Quebec, some of which meeting for the first time. With a tackle swap, a BBQ (cheers Simon and Kevin), free beer (thanks Tyler!) As well as giveaways (thank you sponsors and donors), banter, serenades (from the likes of James and Simon) and espresso (courtesy of Kevin). The fish also made an appearance for a number of participating anglers and some even earned the title Chub Master (Will). Thanks to Wayne and Nathan for organizing this incredibly successful event and to all of those that attended. A get together to remember!

Also be sure to check out our latest Podcast featuring Julian Cundiff and Paul Ferritto’s latest article on the Confirmation Bias… it’s a bloody good one!

The CCS Social is only two weeks away and it is sure to be an amazing event. For those attending, if you haven’t already joined the CCS Social Group, do so for necessary information and updates. The date is fast approaching!

In addition to this, our final SSF event of the year is to fall that same weekend! If you are looking for that kick in the pants for one last mega campaign, this is your chance to do so and compete against some other like-minded anglers for some swag and shiny things, sign up now!

The CCS Challenge Series is down to its final match up between Alex Roy and Julien Tremblay for the win! Beating out some tough competition, these anglers have certainly earned their way to this last stretch of the event, and there is sure to be some fireworks in Quebec! Best of luck gentlemen!

Those mornings are getting cooler, Fall is upon us! Those fish will be hard on the feed soon putting on those winter feed bags, be sure to check your kit and stock up at Carp Kit and Monster Carp.

Tight Lines!

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